I want to do almost everything later. I want to read articles later (thanks Instapaper and all the other apps that enable this!), watch videos later, etc. But I also want to other things later. Like:
Install apps on my computer from my iPhone
say I'm on the bus somewhere, and a new Mac app catches my eye. I want to flag it for download and installation next time my laptop connects to the Internet. As it stands, the iOS App store will not even display Mac Apps.
clone an open source project into my development environment
from GitHub on my iPhone, press a button that clones this project the next time my computer is on (or if it's on now, clone it right away)
know PHP the best, like Python more, learning to love JavaScript
know Apache the best, know I don't need the overhead
a VPS fully-dedicated to the app
use a framework like Bootstrap?
queue management
what to do when the queue is at zero?
YouTube, Vimeo, Instapaper, Read It Later, etc. all have queues now
Are these lists accessible via their various APIs?
Instapaper does (for Subscription accounts only)
RIL appears to accept other media, but you save the URLs to RIL. That is, if you click the "Watch Later" button in Vimeo, or add the video to the "Watch Later" list in YouTube, it doesn't get added to RIL.
Safari Reading List (Mac OS X Safari, iOS Safari, iCloud)
Evidently there is no public API:
GoodReads currently-reading and to-read libraries.
A single website that aggregates them, with a button for each that removes them both from the mythical aggregation web app's list and from the originating web app's list
Stellar, which is awesome, lets you star/fave/whatever directly from the app. Should the mythical queue aggregation app do 'fave' too? Or leave it to the originating web app.
Not a to-do list, just a to-consume list.